Friday, December 3, 2010

Top 13 (G)

Benefits of a College Degree: Higher Salary... and Well Being
Check out these average salaries for business graduates:
Finance: $91,500
Accounting: $77,500
Business: $70,600
Human Resources: $61,900
Here's a quick rundown of avereage salaries in more common fields for college grads:
Nursing: $68,200
Culinary Arts: $50,600
But the benefits of a college degree extend beyond just salary numbers. Adults with a college degree are healthier, more active citizens who read to their children more often than those without a college degree.
The College Board's report also found:
*College graduates ages 25 to 44 are 14 percent less likely to be obese than high school grads.
*Adults ages 25 to 34 with a college degree are nearly twice as likely to exercise vigorously.
*Smoking among those with a bachelor's degree is 9 percent. High school grads: 27 percent.
*68 percent of college-educated parents read to their kids daily in 2007 - over 20 percent more than high school grads.
*The percentage of people with college degrees who donate their time to community organizations is higher than other groups.

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